Exam Description :
The exam will be held in a single day in one session per applicant. It is composed of multiple choice questions, where the applicant is to choose the best answer out of five. Exam duration is 3 hours. The exam is an on-campus proctored exam.

Introduction to the blueprint :
The blueprint is used as a guide in developing the exam. Questions requiring simple recall of medical facts are a minority (20% or less); the majority of items (80%) require integration of information from several resources, prioritization of alternatives, and/or utilization of clinical judgment in reaching a correct conclusion.
The content areas covered and their relative proportions in the exam are specified.
Structure :
Mock Exams :
- The mock exam will go live in October 2020 and will be available onwards
Recommended References and Study Materials :
- Oxford handbook of Emergency Medicine (Oxford)
- Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology (Elsevier)
- Essentials of Pediatrics (Elsevier)
- Clinical Surgery (Elsevier)
- Oxford handbook of internal medicine
- Washington manual